01386 55 22 55
Frequently Asked Questions
What do Wrubble do?
Wrubble provide specialist services in Civils and Groundworks, Recycled Aggregates / Top Soil and Muck Away, as well as Plant and Equipment hire, and Demolition and Site Clearance.
Wrubble also have a permit for an inert (meaning chemically inactive, i.e. soil and stone) Waste Transfer Facility, to be able to recycle and process inert building and waste from our own groundworks, and for others, enabling us to become a Recycled Aggregate specialist.
This is subject to strict rules and we adhere to them all: to the letter.
More about the EA rules and guidance can be found on the government website: www.gov.uk/government/publications/quality-protocol-production-of-aggregates-from-inert-waste
Who are Wrubble?
The Wrubble team are a local, family based company owned and run by Phil and Rebecca Williams.
Originally founded in 2016 to expand the services of our long established family Groundworks and Civil engineering business, we now have over 30 years’ experience in the industry.
Who are your customers?
We usually work with commercial and utilities companies, although do support local independent projects for households and businesses.
Do Wrubble drive through our village?
We endeavour not to drive through any villages at all. Indeed, our drivers are all HGV trained – which means that they adhere to strict rules on road and weight restrictions - and therefore ensure our trucks don’t drive through Fladbury or any other village, unless required for access. For example, Wrubble have delivered to customers in Fladbury and the surrounding areas, so our trucks may be seen delivering goods, but our drivers ensure care is taken at all times.
More information about HGV rules can be found hon the government website: www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-transport/about
Why do you need a new site?
Wrubble have outgrown our rented sites in Throckmorton and plan to amalgamate them into one: at the old mushroom farm near Fladbury, with a specially-designed building for processing.
We have applied for planning permission and are working closely with the authorities to ensure we move ahead in consultation with all parties and in adherence to the EA rules.
Will the new site make the area noisier?
The entire scheme is designed around protecting the local environment and our neighbours from any noise or dust – for example, the specially-designed building for processing, which mitigates against both.
We feel very strongly about this and careful considerations have been taken to mitigate against any adverse noise or inconvenience with the material processing area of the site, to protect our neighbours.
Public consultation has been extended and comments can be made via Worcestershire County Council's website.
However, we’re very happy to address any concerns you might have. Please contact us on: 01386 55 22 55. Thank you.